Never Whatever

We are a boutique consultancy specialized in Business Vision, Human OS & OKRs.

Thomas Hauer photography

A boutique consultancy for future readiness and better collaboration.


Introducing participatory strategy processes and OKR frameworks.


Establishing operating systems as dynamic hubs for agile organizational growth.


Offering expertise in strategy and agility, innovation and transformation, team dynamics, and leadership.


Coaching that brings clarity and stability to both personal and professional spheres.


A flexible, client-centric approach—because one-size-fits-all just doesn’t cut it.


Portfolio Strategy Development

Westdeutscher Rundfunk; Köln
Westdeutscher Rundfunk; Cologne

To ensure that the media offerings of Westdeutscher Rundfunk reach everyone in society as effectively as possible, the largest public broadcaster in the EU has implemented a new portfolio management system. With THX's support, a mix of new interdisciplinary units, decentralized goal-setting with OKR, a lot of communication, and "steering over planning" was developed.

Salzkammergut Einkaufspark; Gmunden

Purpose Development

Salzkammergut Einkaufspark; Gmunden

Founded in 1974 by the father of the current owners and managing directors, SEP has always been a place where entrepreneurship is valued. To ensure the success of their numerous and extensive change projects, Anita Gattinger and Franz Moser, together with THX, embarked on a journey to uncover the purpose of their company and use it as a compass moving forward. It was a "magic moment" when the finished purpose perfectly matched what the founder wanted to bring into the world nearly 50 years ago. It was clear once again: A purpose isn’t something you adopt because it's trendy—it already exists, though sometimes it needs to be made explicit.

WDR Fernsehen; Köln

Navigating the Media Transformation with a clear Purpose

WDR Fernsehen; Köln
Westdeutscher Rundfunk; Cologne

To successfully tackle the challenges of the media upheaval, WDR Television faced a fundamental question: Why do we do what we do? Together with THX, the broadcaster embarked on a journey to redefine its purpose. The goal was not only to sharpen the core but also to align the various actors and departments of Europe's largest public broadcaster under a common purpose. The result? Clarity and confidence. With the newly developed purpose as a compass, the path was clear for numerous other projects, which were developed in close collaboration with THX.

austria witschafts service; Wien

A Launchpad for Startups

austria witschafts service; Wien
austria witschafts service; Vienna

As part of the aws First Incubator Program, THX supported 45 startups over the course of a year on behalf of Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws), helping them turn their ideas into viable business models. A tailored training program consisting of seven modules was developed, skillfully combining theory with practical application. A balanced mix of in-person and remote sessions, along with personalized mentoring, laid the foundation for the young companies’ long-term success. The result? Numerous successful launches, growing teams, and overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants. Many of the young founders formed a close bond with THX trainers Thomas and Eva along the way.

pixelart GmbH; Bergheim near Salzburg

More efficient meetings through radical optimization

pixelart GmbH; Bergheim near Salzburg
Full service digital agency

In order to successfully tackle the upcoming transition to the 36-hour week, Pixelart wanted to get rid of the “meeting kilos” that had accumulated over time. Together with THX and the People and Culture Team, a bold experiment was launched: For six weeks, all meetings were put on hold to find out which were really necessary. The insight: “Every unnecessary meeting costs valuable time and money and does not move us forward.” The result? Meetings were completely rethought — with clear roles instead of rigid rules and a focus on the essentials. This not only brought more structure to internal meetings, but also helped to work more efficiently when working with customers. The 12-week THX 'Meet Better program' helped pixelart free up time and resources — and had fun preparing the team for the 36-hour week.

Captif GmbH; Linz

An Operating System for more Creativity

Captif GmbH; Linz

In Mühlviertel forest, in the cabins of the Ramenai, far from the office routine, the team from Captif, a video and photo production company from Linz, gathered for a two-day OS setup workshop. Founder Stefan Mayerhofer had a clear goal: They needed an operating system—one that makes unspoken things explicit and creates clear agreements, allowing more energy to flow into what Captif is all about: Creative work. The result? "We finally have an OS. Until now, I was the OS," Stefan summarized after the workshop. The introduction of the new system and the optimization of the weekly sync meetings significantly relieved the founder and unleashed fresh energy for creative work.

Westdeutscher Rundfunk; Köln
You don't have to reinvent yourself.
Just find the new within you.

Join the team

We are always on the move and looking for motivated consultants with a solid background in agility and strategy for our projects. People who are eager to accompany companies on their journey into the future.


Sharpening the vision of leading companies

Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Köln, Deutschland
Austria Wirtschaftsservice
Wien, Österreich
ARD Sportschau
Köln, Deutschland
Casinos Austria
Wien, Österreich
Hart aber fair
Köln, Deutschland
Red Bull Deutschland
München, Deutschland
Wien, Österreich
Wien, Österreich